


From GummyCarbs


Use the form below to upload files, to view or search previously uploaded images go to the list of uploaded files, uploads and deletions are also logged in the upload log.

To include the image in a page, use a link in the form [[File:File.jpg]], [[File:File.png|alt text]] or [[Media:File.ogg]] for directly linking to the file.


More specifically, the syntax for displaying an image is: [[Image:{name}|{type}|{location}|{size}|{caption}]]

Only [[Image:{name}]] is required. Most images should use [[Image:{name}|thumb|Example image caption]] (and should not specify a size). The other details are optional and can be placed in any order.

  • Type: 'thumb'/'thumbnail' or 'frame'. Causes image to be displayed with specific formatting (see below).
  • Location: 'right', 'left', 'center' or 'none'. Determines placement of the image on the page. Defaults to 'right'.
  • Size: {width}px or {width}x{height}px, scales the image to be no greater than the given width and height, keeping its aspect ratio.
  • Caption: Any element which cannot be identified as one of the above is assumed to be caption text.